Cheap Flights from Los Angeles (LAX) to Dhaka (DAC)

There are several airlines that operate flights from Los Angeles (LAX) to Dhaka (DAC). Some of the airlines that offer flights on this route include Emirates, Qatar Airways, Turkish Airlines, Cathay Pacific, China Eastern Airlines, and Air China.

The flight duration from Los Angeles to Dhaka can vary depending on the airline, layovers, and routing, but it generally takes around 20 to 25 hours with one or more stops.

To find the most up-to-date flight schedules and prices, you can check with the airlines directly or use a flight aggregator website such as Kayak, Expedia, or Skyscanner to compare prices and flight options. When booking your flight, be sure to check for any entry requirements or travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Los Angeles to Dhaka Flight Ticket Price

We are flight experts so we can provide cheap Los Angeles to Dhaka Flight tickets at the lowest price. If you want to know the latest air ticket price from Los Angeles to Dhaka Please call us.


Ticketing & Reservation Manager

124, Uttar Badda Shadinota Soroni Gulshan Dhaka-1212

Mobile: +8801767788537


Do I need to pay a cancellation fee if I cancel my flight from Los Angeles Intl. Airport (LAX) to Hazrat Shahjalal Intl. Airport?

Ans: Cancellation fees for flights from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (DAC) will depend on the airline and fare class you booked. Most airlines have different cancellation policies based on the fare class you selected at the time of booking, and some fares are non-refundable.

If you need to cancel your flight, you should contact the airline or the travel agency that you used to book your ticket to find out what their cancellation policy is and whether you will be charged a cancellation fee. Some airlines may allow you to cancel or change your flight for free within a certain time frame, while others may charge a fee or only offer a credit for future travel.

It’s always a good idea to read the terms and conditions of your ticket before booking to make sure you understand the cancellation policy and any associated fees. If you’re unsure about the cancellation policy, you can always contact the airline or travel agency to clarify the terms and conditions of your ticket.

How much is flight from Los Angeles to Bangladesh?

Ans: The cost of a flight from Los Angeles (LAX) to Bangladesh will depend on a number of factors, such as the time of year, how far in advance you book your flight, and the airline you choose.

As a rough estimate, the cost of a round-trip flight from Los Angeles to Bangladesh typically starts at around $800 to $1200 USD. However, prices can fluctuate greatly depending on the season, demand, and availability.

It’s always a good idea to compare prices across multiple airlines and booking platforms to find the best deal for your travel dates. Keep in mind that additional fees such as baggage fees, seat selection, and in-flight meals may also affect the overall cost of your flight.

What is the cheapest month to fly to Los Angeles?

The cheapest month to fly to Los Angeles can vary depending on a number of factors, including the time of year, demand, and airline pricing. Generally, however, the cheapest months to fly to Los Angeles are considered to be September, October, and November.

During these months, airlines may offer lower prices to attract travelers, as the peak summer travel season has ended and many people are not yet traveling for the winter holidays. However, keep in mind that prices can also vary depending on your departure city and travel dates, so it’s always a good idea to compare prices across different airlines and booking platforms to find the best deal.

In addition to considering the time of year, there are other ways to save money on flights to Los Angeles, such as booking in advance, being flexible with your travel dates, and searching for deals and promotions.

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